Different specifications of paper tube have different hardness-江门市和生纸业有限公司 Location:Home » News » Company News
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Different specifications of paper tube have different hardness
Addtime: 2021-06-01
Tags:paper tube


Many of the paper tubes we see on the market are made of kraft paper. The cost is very low, and its weight is light. It is easy to carry and install daily. In addition, the material is excellent environmentally friendly material, so many industries may use it. To this kind of paper tube. However, it is precisely because it is widely used, so in many cases we may buy more products in batches at one time, and storage at this time becomes a big problem. Improper storage will lead to moldy, damp, etc. .

In fact, paper tubes also have different specifications, and the hardness of paper tubes of different specifications is also different. The more common paper tubes used in the packaging industry are generally used for protection.

The paper raw materials of the paper tube need a corresponding treatment. The original paper needs to be coated once before it can be used. This can enhance the water and oil resistance of the paper tube, and it can also be used in different industries. .

For example, we usually protect the paper tubes for painting and calligraphy. The specifications are different, but the hardness is relatively strong. It can also be matched with the cover to protect against moisture and moth. The paper tubes of LED tubes are actually made of this kind of products, and many industries can use them for packaging.

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